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    AlTalkhis Ahkam wa Qawa’id fi ’Ilm a Tajwid

    Muhammad ’Abd al-Hakim Ibn Sa’id al-’Abdullah 131 p., size 17×24, paper cover, 3 colors inside This book compiles the rules of recitations, involving comments and scientific...

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    Kifayat al-Mustafid fi ’Ilm al-Tajwid

    Sh. Muhammad ’Arabi al-Qabbani 132 p., size 14×20, paper cover This book includes the good manners and rules of recitation as well as the ...

    Price: 1.50$    Quantity     rate
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    Holy Qur’an

    Mushaf Muallim al-Tajwid

    Qur’an Interpreted

    Mushaf al-Qira’at

    Qur’an Transleted

    Cases for Qur’anic Copy

